Categories:> Design, Web Development

Website Redesign: Time Tested Tips

It’s summer and people are working on their beach bodies, checking themselves out in the mirror, squeezing skin, and sucking in tummies. Here at 3 Cats Labs, we’re encouraging you to take a look at your website. Maybe it needs a facelift or it has grown a little wider around the middle. Maybe it’s time to not work on the beach bod also the time to look at a website redesign. Not only do you need to stay fit and lean but your website does too.

As time passes your website’s coding becomes outdated and usually, a bit “chunky”. It’s not streamlined and faster loading like all the newer and younger websites out there. Your website’s outdated coding causes slower loading times and even incompatibility with web browsers that have updated beyond the technology of your website.

Thinking about a website redesign now? Here are 7 tips for a successful website redesign:

1. Know Your Website’s Goals

Before you start dismantling and chopping apart your website to create a flashy new one, be sure to understand why you’re undertaking a website redesign. Are you trying to gain better and more qualified leads? Are you selling a product? Set a key goal and once that is decided focus your design plans around the established key goal.

2. Be Social

Social media is no longer just sharing photos of food and your weekend trip. Your new website design needs to include links to your social media pages and also include methods of driving users to your social media pages. If your current website doesn’t have any social media buttons or links, you’re likely missing out on traffic.

Add those social media buttons! Then keep your social media updated so you’re communicating the same brand messages through both your website and social media.

3. Know Yourself/Know Your Brand

You’re likely not redesigning your website by yourself because you have more important things to do. That means you’ll be working with a freelance designer or taking advantage of our services. When working with another party, it’s important to communicate what’s important to your brand. Maybe you have a unique color palette, particular imagery, or maybe a slogan that must remain unchanged and present on the new website.

4. Be Media Minded

While it’s good for your website to have its own style that brings out your brand’s personality, it’s also important to consider what media is appropriate for your website. Photos and videos not only add some color to your site, but they also can be used to convey information.

However, that doesn’t mean just any photos or videos will be suitable for your website. If you choose media that clashes with your brand or services, it can actually be detrimental to achieving your key goal. Poor quality images and video or visuals that clearly don’t match your brand can invoke distrust in your brand.

5. Show Your Experience

When redesigning your website, make it a point to show your experience. Show your past endeavors, highlight case studies and show your customer testimonials. These types of items make your visitors feel more comfortable and in turn increase the credibility of your online presence.

6. Website Redesign: Mobile Is A Must

80% of users on the internet use mobile devices and 50% or more of your website traffic could be mobile device based. Search engines such as Google now check your site for mobile usability and a poor mobile usability rating will affect your search engine ranking.

As more and more internet traffic is of the mobile variety, it’s of utmost importance that your website redesign be mobile friendly.

7. Make Yourself Easy To Find

Want a stronger online presence through your redesign? Then you need to easily be found. This means creating and implementing an SEO (search engine optimization) strategy Being effective means utilizing relevant keywords in your website copy and creating content your audience will find interesting and engaging.

Whatever your reasons may be for embarking upon a website redesign, please keep these seven tips in mind. Your website is likely the first impression your potential customer will see of your business. These tips will not only help you design a website that is attractive, but also drives sales and lead generation.

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